Saturday, October 30, 2010

French Fridays with Dorie: Marie-Hélène's Apple Cake

   This recipe for French Fridays with Dorie comes from Dorie's friend, Marie-Hélène who, from Dorie's description, keeps her recipes stored in her head- just like my mom. You know the type- they throw in a "dollop" of this or maybe a "handful" of that, and everything they make always turns out perfectly. (I'm still trying to make biscuits as good as the ones my mom makes!) Luckily, Dorie was able to figure out the recipe for this lovely little cake so that even I could put it together without a bit of trouble.

  This mouth-watering rustic cake almost seemed more like a pudding to me. Or maybe even a crustless deep dish pie. It was chock full of apples all lightly bound together with a super moist cake batter flavored with vanilla and rum. And SO many apples...I used four different kinds- Cameo, Fortune, Macintosh and Golden Delicious- to give the cake a variety of textures and flavors. I used the Rum specified in the recipe this time, but I think apple brandy would be a great choice the next time I make it.

 This cake would be a delightful mid-afternoon treat with a cup of coffee or tea. (Maybe you could even count it as a serving of fruit!) You can find the recipe in Dorie's new book Around My French Table, or on Epicurious, where Dorie shared the recipe herself. Look here to see what other fabulous bloggers have done with the recipe!

 Thanks so much for all of your "Get Well" wishes for my husband. He's doing much better and will soon be home!


  1. I'll bet this would be great right now, as breakfast with my cup of coffee! Glad to hear hubby's better-Happy Halloween Weekend:@)

  2. Would love a piece with my cup of tea.

  3. Now that is a gorgeous cake! It looks like the perfect autumn treat. I'm glad to hear your hubby is doing better and will be returning home soon!

  4. I'm so sorry about your hubby but so happy he'll be home soon!!! Glad you liked this cake, I did too. Apple brandy is a great idea. Best wishes to both of you and Happy Halloween!

  5. The more I see this cake flittering around the blogosphere, the more I want to eat it! I love the texture. I'm so glad to hear your hubs is doing better!

  6. This sounds like a delicious cake! Glad to hear your husband is doing better also!

  7. It looks so delicious. Some of the apples you used I have not seen here - there are so many different varieties I can only imagine how they must change the flavor of this cake just a little.

  8. Yes...let's count this as a serving of fruit!!! Looks fantastic - am so enjoying all the Dorie recipes! (Glad to hear your hubbie is on the mend!)

  9. What a wonderful looking cake. I will make a note in my copy of Dorrie's book and bake it soon. Thanks.

  10. I totally agree with you that the cake is not so "cakey". Definitely more like custard, and so so good!

  11. What a perfectly delicious cake. You have a great weekend and thanks so much for stopping by my blog.

  12. After seeing this recipe on several blogs I have bookmarked it as well! Your looks wonderful and I like the suggestion of the apple brandy with it. Nicely done :o)

  13. Your cake turned out lovely! You are right, it is more pudding like than cake like. Still, it was yummy.

  14. I love apple pie and other baked apple dishes. This is a great one for me to try!

  15. Boy does that look good! I love apple cake. So happy your husband is doing well:)

  16. i know you're counting down the minutes until your husband is back home where he belongs--hang in there!
    and wowza, a more moist apple cake i have never seen. :)

  17. Look at that beautiful apple cake. I've got a ton of apples all over the kitchen. Gotta give this a try.

  18. I loved this cake too. I will be making it often, or maybe I need to add a little cinnamon ice cream as Dorie does.

  19. Ooh you can really see how moist and studded with apple this cake is! And my mum is one of those people who has a recipe in her head :)

  20. Just looking at the cake makes my mouth water. I will have to make one of these. It so reminds me of cakes from Europe. Thanks for dropping in and leaving your comment. ;-) Happy Cooking!

  21. I'm so happy that your sweet husband will be home soon. You both have been in my thoughts! This cake looks moist, rich and studded with fresh apples. Thank you for sharing with me!

  22. This cake looks delicious! I love anything apple in the fall :) Also so glad that your husband will be back soon!

  23. Your cake looks fabulous. We really enjoyed ours. glad your husband is doing better.

  24. Outstanding recipe.
    I am really glad your husband is doing well.
    Wishing you all the best ♥

  25. That's amazing, Mags. I wish there was a slice of that in the kitchen right now for breakfast! Or tea. Or snack...
    Pleased your hubby is feeling better.

  26. Beautiful apple cake, I really like all the Dorie recipes, such a great idea. I'm glad your husband is doing well:)

  27. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)


  28. I love that you used four different kinds of apples for this, Betty. Your cake looks fantastic, and I bet when your husband finally comes home, he would love a slice! Sending more "get well" wishes his way every day!

  29. This came out gorgeous, looks like a piece could be my dinner.

  30. I love apples & this looks amazing!

  31. This looks like the perfect recipe for those who live in "apple country"! The Parkway was beautiful. We also headed north to the Dayton Farmers' Market (always a destination) and Harrisonburg. Spent a day in Richmond and came back for a brief stop in Charlottesville. Virginia in October is very special--well, all year too.


  32. Your apple cake turned out picture perfect! Apples are so wonderful right now and I like that you used different varieties in your cake. When I have my tea tomorrow I will wish I had a slice.

  33. wasn't this cake scrumptious? I want to make it again and again and I can't wait to make bite size portions. yours looks perfect!

  34. This is the way an apple pie should look. You've got perfection!!!!!

  35. At first I thought this was a pie, and I was so excited to learn that it was a cake. Pie crust is not my strong point. But a cake I can do, and this one looks fabulous!

  36. That cake looks super delicious!

  37. Wasn't this kind of like a clafoutis? Yours looks amazing. Thanks for stopping by you WOULD love it with the bacon...B

  38. I just bought the book today and your beautiful cake makes me want to try this recipe ASAP. Yum!

  39. What an enticing description! You definitely reeled me in with rustic! It's the perfect word for this pie! Looks delish!

  40. What a beautiful apple cake! it's a perfect dessert for Thanksgiving!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and following me! Your comments are always appreciated. I'll be following your blog as well and look forward to sharing many great recipes with you!

  41. Although I have seen this cake a few's so nice to see the slight variance from different bakers. Whether it's the look or the way you describe the's always enticing. I guess, I'll have no choice but to give it a go myself. Thanks Betty ;o)

    Flavourful wishes,

  42. Love the looks of this one! I bought the book but I haven't gotten a chance to make anything from it yet. I have big plans for some cool winter baking.

  43. This looks so delicious! I made an apple coffee cake on Saturday morning and doubled the amount of apples to create an apple-heavy dish like your cake :)

    PS--I can completely related to your struggles with biscuit-making! Southern biscuits are a long-standing tradition in my family, but the recipe is not written down. My mom and grandmothers always made perfect biscuits, but I've not yet been able to master them.

  44. This looks amazing. It's not often I get to eat apple cake. Everyone is always making or buying apple pies!

  45. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and your comment. You have delicious recipes! The other day my husband was telling me about Apple Cakes, and this is exactly how I had imagined. It looks scrumptious! Thanks for sharing this amazing recipe. I hope you will join my YBR November roundup.

  46. Gorgeous simple perfect cake. LOVE IT! I guess its apple season. i just made a lovely apple rhubarb cake. You should try it...

  47. My cake turned out like yours - we loved it. Definitely can count as a serving of fruit.

    Best wishes for your husband's recovery...


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