Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Giveaway! and Felix K.'s 'Don't even try to say these aren't the best you've ever eaten because they are' Chocolate Chip Cookies

 Is there room in your recipe box for another Chocolate Chip Cookie? I have my favorites, but I'm always trying out new recipes just to see if I can find what I consider to be "THE" cookie. My grandson arrived Saturday evening for a two week stay, and one of the first things he requested was to make cookies with his Mimi. And what kind did he want? Chocolate chip, of course.

 I came across this recipe earlier this year when Anna at Cookie Madness gave it good reviews. And with a name like Felix K.'s "Don't even try to say these aren't the best you've ever eaten because they are" Chocolate Chip Cookies, I had to try them. (I love a challenge!)

 The verdict? Well they're definitely in the running for their lofty title- they really are very good and I'll surely make them again.  There's a slightly crisp edge to these cookies giving them a good bite, but the rest of the cookie is good and chewy, just like I like it. They're sturdy cookies, but not dry, and they keep their shape nicely even without chilling the dough before baking. (That's a plus for me because when I really want cookies, waiting for the dough to chill can seem like forever.)

 Here's the link to the recipe for Felix K's 'Don't even try to say these aren't the best you've ever eaten because they are' Chocolate Chip Cookies. The only change I made was to use Smart Balance 50/50 blend (sticks) instead of butter. I also made the cookies smaller than the original recipe called for. (Three tablespoons of dough makes a really big cookie!) I used my 2 tablespoon cookie scoop instead, and just slightly flattened the tops before baking.

 And in honor of my little grandson's love of cookies, and to thank you all for being such wonderful friends, I'd love to give away a little something for your holiday baking pleasure- a copy of Holiday Cookies from America's Test Kitchens.

 All you have to do is leave a comment on this post. If I can figure out how to work the random number thingy, I'll use it to select a winner. If the non-technological side of my brain wins out, I'll have my grandson pick a number out of a hat (or a cookie jar, which seems more appropriate somehow.) Comments close on Nov. 30th- I want someone to have plenty of time to use these lovely cookie recipes!

Disclaimer:  This is not a sponsored give-away, and I am not being compensated in any way. I just saw this on the magazine rack in the store and thought it would be fun to share!


  1. Hurray, a giveaway AND amazing cookies -- two things I love! :D

  2. I'm all about best ever chocolate chip cookies and a holiday cookie cookbook! Thanks! Wishing you and your family a great Thanksgiving :)

  3. What a fun give-away, thanks for the chance! The cookies look great-Happy Thanksgiving:@)

  4. Always room in the recipe box for another chocolate chip cookie recipe! Nice giveaway for the holidays and speaking of that have a very happy Thanksgiving;)

  5. Chocolate chip cookies are my hubby's favorite. I'm going to try this recipe and I would love to win the Holiday Cookie book.

  6. I love the tecture of the cookie you posted...I also want this cookie book!@ Enter me please.

  7. I'll definitely try the chocolate chip cookies! And, I love watching America's Test Kitchen!

  8. ... And here I was thinking my cookies couldn't be beat. That is probably the most perfect chocolate chip cookie I've ever seen, Betty! I absolutely MUST try these soon. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  9. I always have room in my recipe box for another chocolate chip cookie. You can never have too many:)

    You must be so happy to be spending time with your grandson. He must love being with you, especially since you made homemade cookies.

    Great giveaway!

    Have a very happy Thanksgiving!

  10. From your description these chocolate chip cookies are just the way I like them. I'm always ready to try a new recipe.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  11. The choc chip cookies are perfect for the holidays. And your giveaway sounds great! You must be feeling really super having your grandson over! Happy Thanksgiving to you and family.

  12. Hi Betty-those cookies look perfect and delicious!! Now I have to try outmthis recipe, I would love to win that gorgeous book. How sweet of you to have a giveaway. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones:)

  13. Betty, I also like that you don't have to chill the dough. Sometimes there just isn't time. I haven't seen that cookbook but it looks quite interesting. Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. So glad to hear your grandson is visiting-- How fun! Hope your hubby is healing! Those cookies look soo good!

  15. LOL - gotta love a cookie with a name that challenges you to deny it. Great cookies Betty - and the half and half is a good way to make them a teensy bit healthier.

  16. I was convinced I had the best chocolate chip cookie recipe in the world; I practiced all my life with 4 sons and cookie lover husband, but this one is worth a try.
    I have never heard to half and half blend; just added it to my list.

  17. Hehe with a name like that, it's just begging to be baked isn't it! :D

  18. I will give this cookie ah try for sure. Thank you!

  19. My son is insisting that the only food on the menu for Thanksgiving be Chocolate Chip Cookies!

  20. If this is open for all, I'd love to be entered!

  21. I love the melting chocolate chips in these cookies :D

  22. that is an amazing looking cookie! I might have to try a plateful to really make up my mind!

  23. I'm always in the mood for another chocolate chip cookie recipe! I adore these treats (especially with a bowl of ice cream) Thank you for sharing! I hope you have a lovely holiday weekend!

  24. Glad your G-baby got to come visit!!! I KNOW you've missed him!!

  25. I always have room in my recipe box for another chocolate chip cookie recipe -- my favorite! :) Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway! Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  26. I love the Cookie Madness website! That's where I found my favorite Vegan Peanut Butter cookie recipe :)

    Your pictures of this cookie look wonderful. My favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe is for my mother-in-law's Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookies.

    Happy Thanksgiving :)

  27. I don't know, those cookies do look pretty amazing! And I love that they set w/ out chilling! Yum, yum, yum ;) Thanks for the chance to win this- I love ATK!

  28. There is always space for another choc chip cookies recipe..above all if you have a husband like mine...every time I ask him "so what should I bake this time for the blog?" his answer is always: choc chip cookies!

  29. what a title! happy to hear that the cookies pretty much live up to the high praise and that your grandson likes to bake--win win!

  30. toss my name in the hat...these cookies look wonderful...the recipe is going in my recipe box too...


  31. I'm making these cookies for a cookie exchange next Wednesday! Thanks for the heads up on the recipe. :)

  32. Hope sticky fingers pick my name! :) It must be so fun having your grandson over for 2 weeks. Hope you and your family had a happy Thanksgiving.

  33. I'm always open to one more chocolate chip cookie recipe! You can never experiment enough. :)

    Nice giveway!

  34. I love collecting cookbooks as much as I love collecting plates and dishes! I would love to win this and I love the test kitchen recipes.

    I had to learn how to do the random thingy too.
    Just go to and it will automatically come up 1 to ____ (you fill in the largest number) then you hit the button and it come up with the number for you. So simple. Have fun with it and thanks for the fun giveaway.

  35. Wish me good luck, wish me good luck! LOL...see how desperately I want the cookie book!

    Thanks for this great giveaway!

  36. I'm always looking for the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe too. These look pretty darn good!

  37. yum! these look amazing! i am keepng my fingers crossed!

  38. Those *do* look like fantastically yummy chocolate chip cookies!
    I'd love the chance to win the book.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  39. I'm always game for another chocolate chip cookie recipe. It's a blogger thing, I think....LOL

  40. If your photos do these cookies justice I know I would love them!

    Great giveaway!

  41. I have plenty of room in my recipe box for a chocolate chip cookie recipe. I don't have any fav recipes for cookies. Help!!! No doubt, I would eat these cookies up in short time.


  42. I Love love love chocolate chip cookies. I also have my favorites but I am often trying to find that ONE recipe that is even better than my favorites. These do look amazing - love the crunchy edge you mentioned and the soft center. I always use butter - would never think to try Smart Balance in cookies. I would love to eat healthier so I may have to try it.


  43. Just found you tonight from Pams site and when I saw your name I thought I had to see what you were like because I love the name you picked out for your site.
    These cookies have got me hungry now they look really good.
    I am a new follower and looking forward to getting to know you

  44. Hey there! I don't think I can win this giveaway coz I live in Middle East but I just want to drop by and say how delicious this looks! And I'll keep an eye on tht book

  45. Wouldn't we love to get our hands on this tried and true recipe book!

  46. I'm so excited about this recipe! My husband makes chocolate chip cookies about every other week, and they're OK, but not The Cookie. I think I'll 'casually' print this recipe off and leave it somewhere where he can stumble across it. =)

  47. How wonderful that you have your grandson with you for two whole weeks :o) My kids would have picked chocolate chip cookies as well! I will have to check this recipe out for them, thanks for sharing :o)

  48. I love those chocolate crackle cookies! I saw this at b&n and thought hmmm....and saw the hazelnut crackles.

  49. Oh! Chocolate chips cookies we cannot ever have enough of these...yummie!

  50. What a great MImi cookie! Such a lucky grandson! I'm a total softie. I'd go with the cookie jar method.

  51. I love the way you challenged yourself in order to treat yourself to yet one more chocolate chip cookie...Gee, life is difficult at your home. LOL.

    Betty, your giveaway is very generous and sweet...just like those cookies ;o)

    Have a great week,

  52. Betty, I made these the other day and they were incredible! Perfectly chewy inside, a bit crisp on the bottom, and heavenly with a glass of milk. My husband agreed and hasn't been able to keep his hands off of them since! Thanks so much for the wonderful recipe. It's a keeper, for sure!

  53. What a great giveaway and great looking cookies! Perfect for Christmas bakings.

  54. Ooh - I would love this magazine! I can never have too many cookie magazines, especially the holiday editionsi :)

  55. "Is there room in your recipe box for another Chocolate Chip Cookie?" Do cows go 'Mooo'? LOL. That's a resounding: YES! I love, love, love homemade chocolate chip cookies. I was actually planning on making some today. This recipe sounds delicious. I love your changes, too. =)

  56. You can never have too many chocolate chip cookies recipes. These look just perfect to me.

  57. Those cookies look and sound amazing! Lovely give away too :)

  58. making the caramel apple cider cookies right at this moment! can't wait, but i keep eating the caramel...


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